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Sign Permit

Sign Permit

Every business needs an excellent sign. A dignified and unmistaken sign helps your business stand out from your competition, attract potential customers, and conveys your message. But prior to installing a storefront or business sign, it’s important to know if you require a sign permit.

You might not think about it, but zoning regulations in a lot of cities require businesses to have a permit to display custom business signs. In many cases, the permit needs to be renewed yearly.

A sign permit is required to guarantee that billboards, outdoor advertising signboards, and branded signs complement the area. Usually, the zoning regulations governing sign permits dictate specifications and allows a business to advertise their brand. Nevertheless, there might be limitations on signs on historic buildings, the kind of images that can be displayed, and the size of a commercial sign.

Prior to planning a sign for your business, it’s vital to know if you require a permit. A sign permit application includes all the required information needed by a local zoning agent to either approve or deny the sign. You should also be mindful of city building codes, bylaws, and guidelines that might apply to your business. Furthermore, signage laws can be puzzling, and it might be difficult to get a sign permit in certain neighborhoods.

At Arizona Commercial Signs, we are here to help you acquire the required permit to display your business sign. This post is going to help you know how to obtain a permit to display signs on the building in which your business is located.

What is a Signage Permit?

A permit to display signs allows a business the legal right to display its sign. Prior to any kind of outdoor advertising is displayed, erected, modified, or replaced, the building owner or business owner is required to apply for approval. The permit release is based on the information given on the application form. There are also relevant fees to pay.

Why are Sign Permits Required?

A sign permit is required to guarantee that the type of sign to be displayed fulfills local building codes. For instance, a pylon sign or wall mounted sign is required to fulfill safety requirements and not be the cause of any public risk. Furthermore, signage cannot display images or wording that might be offensive to other people.

One other reason permit signage on a building is required is to stop a business from getting an unfair advantage over others. For instance, a business can’t erect a massive outdoor sign that results in an eyesore and appears out of place. Sign permits are also required for an electrical sign to guarantee they are not too distracting or bright.

How to Apply for a Business Sign Permit

The sign permitting process begins by applying for a zoning examination of your sign plan. When the local zoning division approves your concept, you can fill out an application for a permit. Usually, you are required to provide associated information about dimensions, the location of the sign, and building materials.

Together with the application, you should present two sets of blueprints showing the proposed outdoor sign. You might also be required to present your business license, tenancy permits, and approval from a certified engineer or architect. In closing, you are going to have to pay the application fees for processing.

Only when you acquire the relevant sign permit can you have your sign installed.

What is the Sign Permitting Course of Action?

The sign permitting course of action can be perplexing, subject to where your business operates. Some kinds of signs are exempt from the permitting process yet is required to have total compliance with zoning laws. For instance, some areas require that only sign contractors with a license petition application for sign permits.

Furthermore, if you are a tenant in a rented commercial space, you might need permission your landlord prior to a permit being issued. Additionally, temporary signs such as banners are also subject to a sign permit.

Having a professional signage company working with you throughout the sign planning, permit application, and construction process is very important. Permitting professionals guarantee that specialty signs in development are not violating any codes. A professional sign contractor can help by examining permit and archives files, verifying relevant local and nationwide codes, and negotiate signage with a local zoning agent.

Benefits of Signs

Signs are one of the most cost-effective ways to market your business. It has been proven that business signage can be less expensive than radio, TV or newspaper ads and more effective than all three according to the SBA (Small Business Association).

Whichever style of sign you choose, you can trust Arizona Commercial Signs for all the help you need along the way. We are your go-to signage and graphics resource and can help with Site assessment, Sign Design, sign permits and the installation of the sign itself.

Are you ready to talk signage with us? Schedule a free consultation with Arizona Commercial Signs by calling us directly at 480 921-9900 or fill out our contact form. We can’t wait to fabricate the signage your business requires!

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